Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A new to us car.

Sushi has been borrowing a car from his wonderful sister and brother in law. We were greatful but we needed something that was ours. When Sushi and I met he was driving a lincoln continental. It cracked me up. His dream car? A Lincoln Towncar.

I kid you not. I always tease him and tell him he's such and old man! But, I can't argue that those are comfortable cars. And I do like the leather seats, easy cleanup with kids. woot!

So, Sushi has been browsing our local classifieds for a while and there was one listed that was just outside of our budget. But, Sushi was hopeful because the listing said the seller was finishing his studies and returning to "his country" and that was why he was selling it. It was already a good price, just a bit too much for us. We figured it would either sell or the seller would drop the price. He dropped the price! So, Sushi called him and yesterday we headed up to have a look. It's far from a perfect car but it's awfully nice. Plus, Sushi talked him down a little but more! :) So, now were broke but we have a new to us car and Sushi is thrilled that he can drive to work with a stereo that works and cup holders! I'm just thrilled that I think he's safer in this car! :) I would put up pictures of the car but it looks like it has already been taken down. It's a 2000 Lincoln Continental, it's maroon, and it seems to be a very nice car. Now onto inspections, emmisions, insurance, and all that jazz.


Unknown said...

Yay! We'll soon be following suit. Probably closer to when we're movung, though. Good luck!

Superwoman said...

leslie- we're happy about it! It's a good thing Sushi gets paid weekly because now we have no money! lol :)

FOREVER YOUNGblood said...

It took me a second to realize exactly what kind of car you got. I loved those cars for years. But ya it got weird when all I would see was old men driving them. Now I am to my real dream car. A 1969 camaro. oh baby. All black please. One can dream right?? One day.....