Monday, April 26, 2010


ugh, I had another cortizone shot in my foot today. I'm supposed to be taking it easy today but of course, 500 things have come up and I haven't been able to. The doc wanted to do an ultrasound to see what was going on but because I don't have insurance, we held off. He mentioned that if this kept up we were going to need to do another ultrasound and see what has changed. I afraid what has changed is that the bone spur is getting bigger and I'm going to need surgery. I really don't want surgery. It's a horrible, painful, sit in bed for 6 weeks and stay off your feet kind of surgery. Did I mention painful? Sooo, another cortizone shot it is. Until he tells me that won't cut it anymore. :(


FOREVER YOUNGblood said...

I am so sorry. I hate surgery. I can honestly say that. Let me know what you decided and if you need any help.

Superwoman said...

you!!!! offering your help in your situation! You silly, btw, we told on you to Debbie today, you should be getting more help here soon. I would have brought you dinner tonight but I'm not up to much today. thank you btw. ;)