Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Newfound independence. . .

I suddenly have two very independent children. Cookie decided he didn't need me on the first day of school, and Cakes today stopped me at the doors of her school. "Stop, Mommy" she said, standing at the door. "I can go from here all by myself." Of course I know as soon as she gets home from school today she will need me to do about 5000 things for her but my question is this. When did I get such great, independent kids! I have been working on it for the last 8 years and I suppose it's finally paid off. But it is amazing to me that it has all happened within a few weeks.

In other news, Cookie turns 8 today!!!!! 8 years ago today I was in labor ***still***, and I was exhausted. I was in induced labor with that kid for 24 hours, no epidural, just pain. I never dilated past a 1. So, thankfully, they decided to do a C-section that evening. I am so proud of the great kid he is. He is kind and fun, and very, very smart. Today is his first day at scouts. He is so excited for that he almost can't stand it. His actual birthday party is on Friday and we had our family going out to dinner tradition on Saturday so today is basically a "happy birthday, we love you day". The fun will follow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to Cookie. :)