Saturday, November 22, 2008

Like every other female in the world. . . . .

I went and saw Twilight today. I wasn't planning on it. I actually was just fine with catching it on Redbox when it got to that point, but my friend asked me to go with her at the last minute and I figured it would be one last chance to have some girl time before the baby comes. So, Sushi was wonderful and agreed to watch the kids while I went and saw my friend Al who I have been friends with since kindergarten (yes, kindergarten, isn't it cool!). By the time I got back he was done, the kids were done, everyone was hungry and I got to get right back into mommy mode. But, the 6 hours without the mommy duties were wonderful! I'm glad that sushi agreed to let me go even though he is tired and stressed out and probably could have used some time to himself more than I could have. Anyhoo. The movie was actually pretty good. Ever since the fourth book I have been ticked off at the series. I just thought the series ended WAY too fairytale, simple ish. I enjoyed the movie and found it thouroughly entertaining, even if I still think Jacob was WAY cuter than Edward. So, yes, it's worth the 2 1/2 hours of your time.

On another note, as of Sunday I enter the single digits for the countdown to baby!!!!!! Only 9 more days as of Sunday of this! I am ready, let it be done already. I have been nesting in a bad way and my house is getting ridiculously clean. Areas people never see are clean, like our storage rooms. I haven't gone so far as washing walls and cleaning carpets but I'm not too far off from doing those things. I just have to keep reminding myself it's really not necessary to do. Hopefully I can keep the nesting under control for the next nine days and focus on resting and just keeping up the house for Thanksgiving and when baby comes. I need to post another picture of my huge belly one of these days. Perhaps I'll do that tomorrow.


Katie said...

I SO agree with you about Jacob. I really didn't like Robert Patterson (Edward) before the movie but he kind of grew on me while I watched it. Good luck with the baby!

Superwoman said...

he did start to grow on me but I still think Jacob is cuter. I think they must have done things to him makeup wise and such to make him more likable and attractive as the movie went on. Of course the lack of whiplash with his personality helped a lot too. And thank you for the good wishes! I'm sure everything will all work out great. I do get pain pills for a while after all. . . hee hee, j/k.

Unknown said...

I'm a female that didn't see Twilight yet, but Dave and I spent about an hour watching trailers and looking up statistics on it last night. I agree that Jacob is way cuter than Edward.

I'll talk to you today about when you'll need me to start subbing for singing time. :)

bon said...

Oh. I went and saw Twilight yesterday too. I WILL say that overall I enjoyed the movie, but the first half I can only describe as tedious. If I had not read the books, I would have walked out.

I envy you your nesting. Deeply.

I am practically an invalid at this point with no countdown in sight, other than I assume they won't make me go past 41 weeks.

Karen said...

Of course I saw Twilight too yesterday. I have to say my expectations were really low, and I was pleasantly entertained. I agree with Bon in that it is a movie for those that read the books, as just a movie it is really nothing special. Edward was just creepy in the movie. But I loved the casting of Jacob, Rosalee, and Victoria. They were perfect.

Superwoman said...

lsl- I'm sure you will see it one day!

bon- if you hadn't have read the books you probably wouldn't have gone to see the movie anyways right? I'm so sorry, this pregnancy has been so hard on you, it really is almost over. Are the doctors not going to induce you at all now?

karen- I also loved how well Alice was cast, as well as carlisle. But, like you I think I enjoyed it as much as I did because my expectations were quite low. Like I said, I've been pissed off at the series since the fourth book. But, it's true, Victoria was especially perfectly cast. And for being 14 Jacob was a pretty cute character! And Edward was just creepy and yucky, but he did grow on me as the movie went on, I'm still just not loving Robert Patterson as Edward.

BigSister said...

Thanks for lending me the books. I will start reading them over the holiday as my reward for working hard the next couple of days.